Friday, September 27, 2024
HomeBy CountryRepublic of MoldovaMoscow urges Moldova to stop using “confrontational anti-Russian rhetoric”

Moscow urges Moldova to stop using “confrontational anti-Russian rhetoric”

Following the adoption of a resolution by the Chisinau parliament criticizing Russia’s operation in Ukraine, Moscow urged the Republic of Moldova to stop using “confrontational anti-Russian rhetoric” on Thursday, Radio Chisinau reports.

“We appeal once again to the Moldovan authorities to put an end to the confrontational anti-Russian rhetoric, which is completely unfounded,” said Maria Zaharova, spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a press release.

The spread of “false information about Moscow’s nonexistent plans to destabilize the situation” in the Republic of Moldova and efforts to “artificially raise tensions” related to the situation in the pro-Russian separatist region of Transnistria were also condemned by her.

“As far as we are concerned, we confirm the desire to strengthen a pragmatic constructive cooperation with Chisinau and to continue efforts to settle the problem of Transnistria”, Zaharova added.

According to AFP, on Thursday, the Parliament of Moldova passed a resolution condemning the Russian offensive in Ukraine, which has been going on since February 24, 2022, and showing support for this nation’s sovereignty and independence.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Moldova, a former Soviet country with European aspirations, has worried that it could be Moscow’s next target; these worries have grown more intense in recent weeks.

According to AFP, President Maia Sandu accused Russia of inciting a coup to overthrow the government in Chisinau in mid-February based on papers intercepted by the Ukrainian secret services.

According to the French press agency, in this tense environment, Russian President Vladimir Putin revoked at the end of February a decree from 2012 that was meant to act as a framework to enable the two sides to resolve the Transnistrian separatist issue, “on the basis of respect for the sovereignty” of the Republic of Moldova.


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