Friday, September 27, 2024
HomeBy IndustryRetail & ConsumerRussian banks in updated minimum on rates for retail loans

Russian banks in updated minimum on rates for retail loans

The weighted average rate on ruble loans provided by Russian banks to individuals for up to a year, including on-demand loans, in March 2021 decreased to 13.08% from 13.55% in February, having updated the absolute minimum, according to information on the website of the Russian Central Bank.
In March, short-term loans accounted for 2.3% of the total volume of ruble loans granted to individuals.
The absolute minimum for retail loans for a period of one to three years was also updated in March (their share in the volume of issued loans amounted to 9.3%)
The previous minimum updates took place in December 2020, the rate on short-term loans then decreased to 13.41%, on loans for a period of one to 3 years – to 13.01%.
The largest part of retail lending falls on loans for more than three years (in March, they accounted for 88.4% of loans issued). The rate on this category of loans in March fell to 9.88% from 9.90% in February, but it was higher than the December rate (9.73%), which remained absolutely minimal.
On the whole, the weighted average rate on long-term retail loans decreased in March to 10.17% from 10.21% in February.


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