Friday, September 27, 2024
HomeBy IndustryTourism4,000 new hotel rooms to be built at Russian resorts by 2024

4,000 new hotel rooms to be built at Russian resorts by 2024

The national tourism project envisages the commissioning by 2024 of 4,000 new hotel rooms under Russian and international brands in popular resorts, the head of Russian Tourism Agency Zarina Doguzova told reporters on Thursday, TASS reported.
“Investing in tourism should be profitable and interesting. The national project provides for preferential loans for large business – this measure will start working this year and will allow investors to build or reconstruct hotels, multifunctional complexes, and, importantly, sanatoriums, attracting borrowed funds at a rate of 3-5% per annum on a competitive basis. We have a huge health resort fund in our country, which requires urgent renovation. This is the most anticipated measure for investors. Due to this measure, we plan to commission 4,000 new hotel rooms under Russian and Russian international brands in popular resorts. This is exactly the high-quality, modern room stock, to which modern tourists traveling abroad are accustomed. And 4,000 rooms is quite a lot for one investment cycle, “she said.
If the interest rate is suitable for large business, then grant support is provided for SMEs, which Russian Tourism Agency has already begun to provide in test mode in 2020 and plans to continue as part of the national project, Doguzova noted.
“We focused on ecotourism and modern solutions for outdoor recreation. In the future, we want to expand this measure to include the arrangement of beaches, camping areas and so on,” added Doguzova.


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